" If you are not on a network, is not working. & ; quot; This statement is true for each of us, especially those of us who are looking for business opportunities.
Usually at the end of a session networking, which has added a stack of cards in his name and vast collection of 100, 500, even cards 2000. There seems to be a sense of accomplishments here, as if he has picked up a limited edition Superman comics. But let me ask you this:
* Do you remember who, when and how he won the name of the cards? What& 39;s recall only 5% of them?
* What are you doing with the name of the cards?
* How many of them are still in contact with the maintenance?
* How many changed their contact details?
> Since these 4 simple questions, you know how much these cards are the name of value to you and how you have added value to the owners of these cards name. There is no question of the number of cards that have a name, but the number of cards being named owner relation to the quality of the building.
Although a name card is just a piece of paper with a contact information and details about the same. However, it is more than that. The person who gave his name from the card can be your potential client, his friend, his mentor, even one that gives you opportunities, or vice versa. It may not be immediate, depending on what you are doing, but these people may be of value to you in the near future. If we still remember it, and still able to keep in touch, regardless of any changes in contact details.
Rather which will be maintained in contact with a few owners behalf of the board, on how to maintain contact with them once a week? Or at least once a month?
Of course, this would be a difficult feat if we call them individually. But it is possible and much easier if it were in touch with them via email mass and best of all, personalized with their names! How cool would that be?
Instead of sending an email:
Subject: Some time ago since the last time the chat
Content: Hello, how has been
Wouldn & 39; t it be great to send this place?
Subject: Tom, it has been some time since we last chat
Content: Hi Tom, how has been
By see their names, it is unlikely for recipients to delete the e-mail without looking at it. In addition, you can keep in touch with them with a personal touch to the email as if you are only communicating with them, rather than having the email looks like one of the mass distribution.
Not only that, it is also possible for you to pre-prepare a list of emails once and send it automatically. For example, you can prepare a message that automatically sends every month asking the people in their database to update their data. And you only have to write the message once.
Of course, you can not do what I mentioned above through its normal email clients and services. This, however, can be done with Sequential Autoresponder. This may be a program that is installed on your web server, or a web service that can subscribe a.
For more information about Automatic sequential can do a search with keywords " Automatic sequential " in search engines, or visit my Web site at www.vernlai.com Resources.
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